Fine Art Photography

Trees in the fog

Morocco… Familiar images with glistening sunlight, a steel-blue sky and dark shadows…
As you can see, not always. A country of sun and dryness, from which one expects desert-like landscapes with little vegetation, can also be different…

On the road P4105 from Chefchaouen to Targha on the north coast, the fog was quite thick, there was no great visibility, driving on the narrow roads without lights would have been unthinkable by European standards, and then, just as my co-driver said: “Hardly anything with photos today”, I slammed on the brakes: this tree on the slope above the road…

An unrealistic tree in the fog!

unrealistischer Baum im Nebel

Please note: not a Photoshop creation! An unmanipulated image, just a little tweaking of the contrast controls…

Here are a few of its relatives:

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© 2025 Fine Art Photography

Thema von Anders Norén