Since end of Junne 2019 Jill Lucas and Dani Sidler are the new wardens and managers of the mountain hut Jenatsch (Chamanna Jenatsch) .
More information about opening times and facilitiesn on their website
Chamanna Jenatsch is located in the municipality Bever (Kanton Graubünden) at 2653 m.
The shortest way in is a hike from Julierpass just below the Hospizio La Veduta. Starting at 2200 m you’ll have to cross Fuorcla d’Agnel, a hiking pass at 2980 m. Count about 4 hours, depending on your fitness…
It will take a bit longer ( 4 1/2 hours) from RhB-Station Spinas situated at 1815 m., but the hike is easier .
Keep in mind that this route is closed in winter and spring, due to avalanche danger.
More on Chamanna Jenatsch.